The COVID-19 pandemic will no doubt go down in history as one of the most difficult times people of the twenty-first century have faced. Citizens across the world have had to isolate themselves to varying degrees and everything slowed for a time. Whilst it brought about economic, social and mental health challenges, there was plenty of good that was gained. Did you find some of these treasures during isolation that you intend to keep?
Better relationships: During isolation, people whose family unit was in the one household had more time together. There were more board games, bike rides, walks, cooking, baking and gardening. More quality time together meant we could invest more time in our relationships and reconnect with each family member. Did you get to know your partner and children better? You may now have a better understanding of their work ethic, their temperament in a school or work setting, how they work and learn best, their strengths and weaknesses and how you can best support them.
Fresh air fun: When you are confined to your house for the majority of the time, you truly appreciate your time outside. Did you do more outdoor activities and exercise? Isolation saw many more people walking their dogs, bike riding, walking, gardening and playing backyard sport.
Working as a team: If isolation had your family at home together, there may have been more grocery shopping, washing, dishes and general tidying to do. This was a great opportunity to work out as a family who could be responsible for certain tasks and to share the load fairly.
Time for the simpler, quieter things: Isolation may have given you more time to do those odd jobs you had been waiting to have time for, like: hanging paintings, cleaning out the garage, decluttering the house. It also gave us time to do those relaxing, time-sucking activities that seem indulgent but are creative and enjoyable like: reading, scrapbooking, doing puzzles and making music.
Checking in on the vulnerable: Sometimes in our busy lives we get so caught up with work, kids’ activities and running our household that we don’t seem to have time to catch up with family and friends. Isolation reminded us to check in on our parents, eldery neighbours, friends and family, even if it was via a phone call or dropping off goods.
Kindness: The simple act of checking in on someone is a kindness in itself but this pandemic encouraged us all to do more. As we couldn’t see or interact with each other in person, many people: wrote letters; sent gifts and flowers; dropped off food; shared books, board games and toys, to make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable.
Which treasures will you keep from isolation? Have we missed any? Let us know.